
…other Societies and Associates. Collectively, these liaisons comprise the International Committee of Representatives of Indexing Societies (ICRIS), a group that has no legal persona. Each Society may offer a free…

Subject index

…The Indexer’ 24.127-132 ‘The bliss of excessive fondness’ 22.127 ‘A cautionary tale’ 21.24 ‘Compiling an anthology of indexes’ 23.32-33 ‘Computer contrarian’ 22.24 ‘”Discursive, dispersed, heterogeneous” … indexing Seven pillars of

Contents by category

…Adams 18.3–9 Why postcoordination fails the searcher. Bella Hass Weinberg 19.155–9 Indexing Gladstone: from 5 x 3″ cards to computer and database. H.C.G. Matthew 19.257–64 Computer-assisted indexing of loose-leaf supplements….

Author index

…citation databases: ISAP shows the way,’ 33(2).77–80      ‘ISAPOnline as an enhancement of a service to community libraries making use of technological development,’ 23(2).77–79 Krommer-Benz, M, ‘INFOTERM: International activities in the…

Title index

…‘A comment on “technical indexing at BTI“‘ (Coates), 9(2).50–52 ‘Commissioning the index’ (Negus), 5(4).189 ‘Comparative evaluation of thesaurus creation software’ (Hedden), 26(2).50–59 ‘A comparative look at embedded index entry encoding…

Terms of reference

…International Agreement, each Society and Associate group or network will appoint an international liaison to represent its interests on matters of international import and to maintain open communication with the…

Subject index test

see locators, column numbers Combs, Michele, `XML indexing,’ 30.47–52 commas, use as separator, 25.244 commonplace books (loci communes)      Bishop Jebb’s, 25.264      indexing of, 22.114–18, 25.235, 25.237–28      as memory aid and…


About ICRIS (International Committee of Representatives of Indexing Societies) International relations between indexing societies and associated groups or networks are governed by the International Agreement of Indexing Societies, originally concluded…


ICRIS Membership Responsibility for international liaison rests with ICRIS to which each Society and Associate appoints a liaison. The Editor of The Indexer, the international journal of indexing, is also…

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