Full list of issues

[Free] 2016 34 3 89 Liverpool University Press [Free] 2016 34 2 41 Liverpool University Press [Free] 2016 34 1 1 Liverpool University Press [Free] 2015 33 4 121 Liverpool…

Subject index

…The Indexer’ 24.127-132 ‘The bliss of excessive fondness’ 22.127 ‘A cautionary tale’ 21.24 ‘Compiling an anthology of indexes’ 23.32-33 ‘Computer contrarian’ 22.24 ‘”Discursive, dispersed, heterogeneous” … indexing Seven pillars of

Subject index test

…[;;]sin of classification[::] and an example thereof,’ 25.187–29 Best, David P, The fourth resource: information and its management (ed.) (reviewed), 20.230 Bestseller (Goldsmith), index too, 23.168 Betty Moys Prize. see

Contents by category

…10.161; 11.1 by G. Norman Knight 6.90–1 ‘Beware — computer at work’. John Ainsworth Gordon 12.169 Letter to a computer from a free-lance book-indexer. Judy Batchelor 13.1–2 Information Technology Year…

Title index

…‘A comment on “technical indexing at BTI“‘ (Coates), 9(2).50–52 ‘Commissioning the index’ (Negus), 5(4).189 ‘Comparative evaluation of thesaurus creation software’ (Hedden), 26(2).50–59 ‘A comparative look at embedded index entry encoding…

Author index

…the indexer,’ CP9:1 Lamb, James A, ‘Embedded indexing,’ 24(4).206–29 Lambert, Constant, ‘What, no index?,’ 14(3).177–78 Landes, Cheryl      Does embedded indexing have a future? 34(2).67–71      The future of indexing, 34(3).122–24      ‘Testing…


Centrepieces Centrepieces, like all articles, are released for free access to all after 5 years, and are made available for download below, either on this site or on the Liverpool…

Terms of reference

…in each Society and Associate group or network about both practical matters (for example, meeting dates) and international issues of importance to indexing (for example, management of The Indexer; the…


…other Societies and Associates. Collectively, these liaisons comprise the International Committee of Representatives of Indexing Societies (ICRIS), a group that has no legal persona. Each Society may offer a free


Access Issues of The Indexer are available on the Liverpool University Press website. Non-subscribers can obtain access to individual articles on the Liverpool University website on payment of a fee;…

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